Profhilo _ deepest skin hydration
The newset treatment to be added to our treatment menu, Profhilo. When we think about skin rejuvenation this newest skin remodelling treatment is a great, its a real game changer in the world of aesthetics. With our current Dr. M. Flynn who has been treating clients in our Studio for the past 10 years, you are in the best of hands. If you have been considering Filler or botox, i’d recommed trying thhis first. Or If you have been receiving fillers or anti-wrinkle injections in the past or currently this is a great treatment that works in tandom together. Profhilo is a revolutionary new non surgiacal skin laxity treatment that treats facial lines and wrinkles, but also laxity ,improving Tone , texture and Hydration. Hydration is he key element of profhilo as its full hyluronic acid which helps trap moist in the deepest layers of your skin.
The tratment is aimed at people who have visible signs of aging skin. As we age our skin produces less collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin are the buildng blocks that make up plumped up healthy skin. Profhilo uses advanced patented technoglies to help remodel the skin. At present it is the only product capable of stimulating the natural production of all four types of collagen and elatin, making it truly unique. You will see visible reults in the first visit, the treatment takes two visits in total and last one year.
The treatment is made up of Hyluronic Acid (HA) . It effectivily sitmulates the production of natural collagen and elastint re-energise and renew the skin. Profhilo stimultes four different types of collagen and elastin to the slow release of hyluronic acid. The stimulation results in the signifiacnt improvement of tissue quailty.
This is a a great tretament for improving elaasticity and tightening areas such as neck , around the mouth. , helping to enhance apparence, but not making it artifical, subtle but plumped. Its a great treatment for the sub – malar area , between the cheeks and chin to tighten skin and lift jowls. Profhilo results in significantly noticable skin tightening and give you a lifting effect between your cheeks and chin in just a few weeks and reinforced with the second treatment which is essential. improve skin tone, texture, hydration and elasticity with profhilo. Expect Extreamly hydrated skin from within.